Anemia iron deficiency is generally caused due to malnutrition, poor food absorption, rapid growth of infants and adolescents, kecacingan, chronic infection, or disease that causes destruction of red blood cells. Anemia is a serious problem, According dr.Soedjatmiko, Sp.A (K), iron-deficient children in infancy has a risk of long-term growth and development of serious, such as impaired concentration and intelligence of children learning to decline. "Iron deficiency in the womb until age 2 years would interfere with the development of the branches and connections between brain cells so that the children of low intelligence," said Soedjatmiko.
Moreover, iron deficiency also inhibits the formation of neurotransmitters that are important for emotional control, concentration and behavior. "As a result, children prone to disorders such as aggressive behavior and low problem-solving capacity".
Although anemia has been better known for causing the typical symptoms such as pale, weak, tired, and lethargic, but apparently according to Prof.Djajadiman, actually had iron deficiency can occur before causing symptoms. "When anemia occurs in the long term, despite low levels of hemoglobin, may not show typical symptoms because the body has to adapt."
He added, anemia does not happen overnight but through three stages. The first is the depletion of iron or iron deficiency early stages of the body. "At this stage the body's iron reserves began to decrease but still normal iron in the plasma as well as hemoglobin and hematocrit values," said him.
The next stage is iron deficiency without anemia in which the reserves of iron, iron in plasma was also reduced but hemoglobin is still normal. At the level of further iron deficiency anemia have occurred in which the iron in the plasma and hemogloin value has decreased.That is why, according to the actual examination Djajadiman hemoglobin alone is not enough to tell if a child has ADB or not. "It also examined the levels of serum ferritin shows total reserves of iron," added him.
Anemia is not addressed clearly will affect the quality of future generations because of the consequences of anemia in childhood will continue into adulthood. Currently IDAI has issued guidelines for iron supplementation to children and infants to avoid the ADB. Iron supplementation is also in line with WHO guidelines in 1998 stating that the prevalence of anemia was more than 40 percent should be given iron supplements without a screening done.
"If you just rely on foods that contain iron is not enough because the kids have to eat food in abundance, whereas the stomach capacity of a child," said Djajadiman. Do skirining on all children who are at risk of ADB also considered too expensive. Added by Soedjatmiko, iron supplementation has been shown to be safe. "Some research has demonstrated, in a low-dose iron supplementation is not harmful" she said. He cites the results of research in Chile to 1123 healthy infants who were born full term with normal hemoglobin levels and iron supplementation administered entirely. The result, babies who got the ax is not fussy and increased social interaction.
Iron supplementation, according to dr.Badriul Hegar, Sp.A (K), chairman IDAI, coupled with efforts to increase understanding of the dangers of anemia and prevention efforts. "Not only in terms of iron alone but improved diet as a whole, starting with pregnant women," said him.
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